Para master saya mau nanya!
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at

\xampp\htdocs\temanonline\index.php:11) in

\xampp\htdocs\temanonline\login.php on line 12
kira2 meesti gimana udah di rubah2 tetep error.
ini index.php
<?php session_start();
include "koneksi.php";
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<form method="post" class="search" action="?page=login">
Email <input name="email" class="textbox" type="text" />
Password <input name="password" class="textbox" type="password" />
<input name="search" class="button" value="Login" type="submit" />
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<h1>Selamat Datang</h1>
<p>"Mari bergabung di situs <em>TemanOnline</em> untuk bertemu dengan teman lama dan teman baru di dunia maya..."</p>
<p class="align-right">- Agus Sumarna</p>
if($cek>30 || !file_exists($file) || empty($page)){
include ("form_daftar.php");
include ($file);
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sript login.php
$query=mysql_query("select * from tbl_user where email='$email' and password='$password'");
<div id="main"> <a name="TemplateInfo"></a>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Username atau Password anda salah!!</font>. silahkan ulangi Login</p>